Sunday, August 1, 2010

This weekend!

This weekend has been fun! Thursday night we went to see Wicked! It was by far the best show that we have seen since we got here. Lauren and I loved it. The acting was really good and the cast had amazing voices. The wicked witch had a voice that the wicked witch is not supposed to have. If Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston played the witch I dont think that they could have hit some of the notes that she did. She was amazing! The rest of the cast was equally as good too.

On Friday we went to Regent's Park. Queen Mary's Gardens are inside the Park. There are like over 40,000 roses in the park in any color you can think of. It is a really pretty place. We enjoyed our little stroll through the park and we listened to water fall from the fountains and the birds sing their songs and children playing in the background.

Saturday was an extremely long day for the two of us. We went on an 11 hour day trip to Windsor Castle, Bath, and Stonehenge. Windsor Castle was massive. In the castle where so many royal parties have been thrown, we saw the Queen's doll house and the stateroom apartments. The detail that goes into decorating here in England is so hard to understand. Every design is to tedious and made with perfect precision.

Also, we got there just in time to catch the changing of the guards at Windsor, which was a nice little bonus. They too, take every step they make with precision and authority. Nothing here is out of place, when it comes to royalty or patrol.

From there we went to Bath, which is an old Roman city in Bath, England. There are beautiful water falls and community bathing facilities in the middle of what is, in my opinion, one of the prettiest places we have yet to visit. You know from the construction of the building and the design that went in to the drainage systems of the baths that the Romans had to build it. Bath is one city that you have to go to if you ever visit England.

From there it was on to Stonehenge. Completely different than what I had expected. I expected Stonehenge to be up on a hill, sort of on its own pedestal. Maybe a hill that had sidewalks laid in circles around the hill that spiraled up to the stones. Some sort of holy place that was a world heritage site so precious that only few felt worthy enough to enter. I was wrong, wrong, wrong, oh did I say WRONG. Ok enough of that, I was just wrong. Stonehenge should be in TEXAS! Before you go off and get mad at me, let me explain. We took some country road for about an hour. We past pasture after pasture of farmland. Some places had countless heads of cattle while others had goats or sheep and still one guy had a pig farm with pigs that were bigger than cows. Let just say, that our ride to Stonehenge made me feel like I was back a home for a little while except for all of the beautiful green trees that seems to fall off the horizon and the rolling hills that make Texas look one dimensional. Stonehenge is set in the middle of a pasture in the middle of no where. And although its not set up on some holy hill, it was nice to see what has been in question for all these years. And no I dont have an opinion after going there as to what it was for but it was nice to visit.