Wednesday, July 14, 2010

About yesterday.

It is wednesday morning here in London and I am writing tuesdays' blog. I do apologize for having not posted this yesterday, but both Lauren and I were exhausted after out day out on the town.

Our group of business students met early yesterday morning to visit a project manager from South Africa that lives in London and works for Visit London. Visit London is a marketing campaign agency that basically markets London. You ask, "What's so hard about marketing London?" In particular, her job is to market prior to the 2012 Olympic Games and as much as 5 years beyond that. She stated that well over fifty percent of revenue that London will receive with regards to the games will come after they have been played. So she tries to get tourist to visit London before the games begin by presenting, "Limited Edition London." LEL is a campaign focused on various attractions that you can only do in London before the games begin. Once the games begin, the exclusive attraction that you can only do before the games will no longer be in operation. Prior to LEL, she launched "Only in London." Only in London featured attractions that you can only find in London. Such attractions as exclusive shopping centers or markets, the famous black cab, or Tower of London attractions, all of which you can do before, during or after the games. It was amazing to me to see how real-life marketing puts the perfect little twist things like this to entice individuals.

We also had a class about fight financial fraud. I don't want to bore you too much with this so I will keep it short. Jonathan Fisher of the Queens Council talked with us about financial fraud in Europe. He told us how much money has been lost and the lack of prosecution against such offenders. In fact one individual laundered of 10 million british pounds and received 4 years in prison. As absurd as that sounds, laws are not written in favor of prosecution for such offenders in Great Britain making it very difficult for them to bring justice to offenders.

We ate a nice Italian restaurant yesterday evening. We split a pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms, peppers, and ham. It was wonderful; probably the best dish since I have been here. After that we had dessert at a Belgian Waffle place. They make waffles with toppings. You can get dark chocolate and milk chocolate, with or without cream. Also you can get ice cream or fruit toppings on the waffle. It was also amazing.

i hope you do enjoy and I will be sure to write back this evening.

1 comment:

  1. That is so interesting about LEL, you will have to tell me more about it since we plan on going next year. I knew that you would both like the pizza!! I am glad yall found something that you enjoy and the Belgian Waffle place sounds AMAZING!! I would like a waffle with milk chocolate and ice cream on top please :)
    Can't wait to read tonight! love Cooper
