Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dinner Hop!

Lauren and I are exhausted from going, going, going. This morning we decided to sleep in and catch up a little bit so that we dont wear out and become ill. We ended up getting about 9 hours of sleep and even though that seems like a lot, I have not been able to sleep well from all the noises of other students coming home late or others that wake up at 5 am. Anyways it was nice to get a couple extra hours of sleep even though Im still tired.

Since we slept in, we decided to hang around the campus today and didn't go do anything till about 15:30. Thanks to my mom and Harold, Lauren and I have our own personal tour guide of the city of London. This tour guide come by way of Rick Steve's Guide to London 2010. It's too bad we waited until now to seek his opinion about restaurants. I looked through his book and decided that our night would consist of a dinner hop!

First up, Fernandez and Wells. We enjoyed a couple glasses of wine with bread, cheese and chorizo. We had chorizo and manchego. Most of you know that chorizo is a type of spanish meat that resembles sausage, but most probably dont know that machego is actually a spanish cheese used to compliment the meat. So we had spanish cheese and meat with bread that was toasted and drizzled with olive oil for starters. The cheese was dry yet still creamy. It was almost like a wafer because of the pockets of air that had been trapped inside the cheese when it was made. Everything about Fernandez and Wells was amazing. It is set well off the beaten path down a side street off of Oxford Street which is shopping central! Oxford street is a another story in itself. Every store of class you can imagine must fight for a face on Oxford Street. You have H&M, Burberry, Apple, Armani Exchange, Anthropology, and the list goes on and on and on. Anyways our little hole in the wall wine shop was tucked away perfectly from the hustle and bustle of London which really added to our day of relaxation.

After our wine and pre-starters we ventured over to Soho Pizzeria. Soho is the gay district of London, but it also has some of the finest dinning in London which really isnt much to brag about.

At Soho Pizzeria Lauren ordered a salad from the starters menu. It was like tomato caprese with a twist. Add I might add, two of Laurens' favorite twist. This dish came with sliced tomatoes and mozzarella as usual but also had, sliced avocados and onions to go along. It was topped off with a balsamic vinaigrette sauce that was really good. Two minutes later, it looked like this. Literally!

Once we were done with our starter we ordered mushroom pizza that was not amazing, but was edible. Honestly the only reason why I say edible is because the ingredients were so fresh. You could taste the freshness of the mushrooms. I usually love any kind of mushroom, but these just really did not have a great flavor other than fresh. But Lauren loved the pizza so, it was a success.

From there we decided to have dessert at the dorms. The other day Lauren and I picked up some ice cream from the local market down the street. We decided that we would finish our dinner hop at the dorms while we enjoyed ice cream and our favorite tv show at this time, Top Design.

Today was nice to relax and catch up with ourselves. Wh hit the ground running from the moment that our plane landed in London so it was nice to catch up today. Tomorrow we take off running again although neither of us know where we will be running too. I guess tomorrow will be a surprise for both you guys and us. We plan on getting to the train station early and picking a destination for a day trip. We're not quite sure where we will end up, but we will be sure to let you all know.

1 comment:

  1. Justin, I'm really enjoying your adventure. It's like reading a travel book of England. I know you and Lauren are having a great time. Keep up the great writing and pics..Pam (Kylie's mom)
