Friday, July 9, 2010



What to say about Tottenham? Tottenham is the first place that Lauren and I visited. First of all, we stood in line at the "Underground" for nearly an hour in order to get our 30 day pass for the "tubes." When we first arrived, London did not resemble anything that we had seen on television or in the movies. We are on the outskirts of town and finally saw the "London" that we know when we took the subway to Tottenham. Tottenham was a blast for the short time that we were there. When we got off of the escalator coming up from the tubes, the first thing we saw was Dominion theater. The billboard for Dominion theater looked like a sequence billboard from Las Vegas! (we will go back and get a picture of it since we forgot too) We walked about three quarters of a mile down Tottenham Court Road amazed at all the shops and pubs and so forth. As we ventured down one of the side streets, we wondered upon large crowds of people who packed the sidewalks outside of the pubs and socialized while they drink their favorite pint of beer or wine. Tottenham is a really neat place that I am looking forward to visiting again when I am not so tired.

One place that we did stop at really satisfied our craving for dessert. There was a corner store bakery that we stopped at for water. Lauren found a mango fruit juice that she wanted and I got water. When we went to check out I saw a chocolate Fondant that looked amazing so we tried it. It was amazing! It was like a chocolate cake that melted in your mouth with fudge in the middle of it and powdered sugar on the top.

There were several places to shop that were really nice, but my favorite part about our trip to Tottenham was walked from the train to ground level. The walls of Tottenham are like one huge mosaic. The tunnels that we walk through to ground level tell a story of the city as you walk up the stairs. The tube in Tottenham is beautiful!

Oh and Gilbert there are shops everywhere that are selling jerseys for Messi, Rooney, Drogba, and of course your favorite Torres! But his jerseys are on sale. Haha! No not really just the england jereys.


  1. Well hello, I am so glad you are writing a lot! I am so happy I got to talk to ya'll and coop on ICHAT!

    It sounds like you two are having a ton of fun!! Get some sleep, and have a good day tomorrow!! Remember.. lots of pictures and not just scenery.. get some of yall.

    Oh, and that chocolate fondant cake.. its what we call "Lave Cake" here in the US of A! They are good warm and with some ice cream!!

    I love you and I miss you!!

  2. Wow ... I am so glad you are keeping us posted. Hope you two have a great time!!
